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By Cassandra Louise Wibawa

Today, definitions of advertising abound. “Journalists, for example, might define it as a communication, public relations, or persuasion process; businesspeople see it as a marketing process; economists and sociologists tend to focus on its economic, societal, or ethical significance."

Traditional vs. New Media

By Cassandra Louise Wibawa

The whole idea of cognominating the term as ‘traditional advertising’ is to set them apart from new and the mass of modern-day advertising options, including viral and online marketing initiatives. It is desirable, therefore, to put any new media development into proper historical perspective by comparing and contrasting the “new” one with the “old” ones.

Advertising in Social Media

Social media platforms offer great opportunities for companies to promote their products, service, and business in an innovative and creative way. This article will discuss the ways advertisers use to create an online advertising campaign by examining the content diversity in social media advertising; the sharable and interactive features of social media platforms that creatively help advertisers to meet their marketing goal; the connection and interaction between the online world and the physical world and the cost of using social media to create an ad.


By Jasmine Subrata

Online advertising has becoming a breeding ground for both small businesses and large corporations. The Internet not only supplies a global market, but an interactive audience that generates the exposure independently. It is no surprise that now advertisers create campaigns with the sole purpose of ‘going viral’, and placing more emphasis on the hedonistic values in online content compared to traditional television advertising.

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