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Look Up by Gary Turk

By Christine Luong


‘Look Up’ is a short film created by Gary Turk, a British writer and director. The video is a spoken word film that was posted to YouTube on the 25th of April 2014. In the film, Turk performs his poem in front of a black screen, cutting to enactments of the topics he discusses. The film focuses on consumers being too attentive of their technology and not of each other, as well as highlighting what users are missing out on as a result of ignoring their surroundings.


Although this video is not an advertisement, it is a very good example that demonstrates the power of digital consumers. This is because through the use of social media, this video was able to garner over 37million views in just three weeks. This film has appeared on various social media platforms including Google+, Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr, as well as having been blogged about, and reported on by news outlets, among many other forms of online interaction. Prior to this video, Turk was relatively unknown. Considering that this is his first YouTube video, this enormous amount of views is a feat that is definitely attributed to its online audience.




Firstly, this video is very relatable in that users are consuming an increasing amount of online media. In fact, the viewer is in fact using technology and social media in order to watch the video. This really positions the viewer to question how they may be overusing technology, and whether they may be missing out on real life experiences. To drive this point further, Turk includes a hypothetical situation where he places the viewer in the position that as a result of looking up from their phone, they are able to meet someone, and live a full life. This love story tugs at the heartstrings then explains the alternative, allowing the audience to realise that the trade-off they are making by focusing on their phones too much. As this is a very relatable concept, it makes this video very shareable.


Secondly, this video inclusive of all digital consumers. Turk uses a lot of inclusive language like ‘we,’ and ‘us’ to emphasise that this issue is relevant to everyone. He also tries to target the audience specifically by telling “you” to do things for “your” own benefit. In doing this, Turk ensures that viewers realise that they are directly affected.


Finally, the video has a high production value. The visual appeal of this film makes it more captivating for the audience. From the cutaways to the poem performance itself, the film is beautifully shot, and framed, as well as having clear audio and a suitable soundtrack. Furthermore, the way that the poem is written and delivered is interesting, clever, and easy to follow. The entire presentation is appealing to the senses, enticing viewers to share the piece.




Firstly, the video can be interpreted as preachy. Messages are less likely to appeal to consumers if it tells them what to do. The online environment encourages users to express their opinions, meaning that it can be more effective to let audience members think that they came to a conclusion themselves. In order get an audience interested in certain information; it is sometimes only necessary to imply a solution. In the case of ‘Look Up,’ the poem does tend to sound as though Turk is judgemental and self-righteous.


In addition, this video can be interpreted as being accusatory. Turk’s constant descriptions of all the ways that digital consumers are misusing technology can be detrimental to the audience’s view of themselves. This is because audiences would generally prefer not to face the reality of their decisions. Therefore, making audiences feel targeted in a negative way can be a factor that works against the likelihood of a social share.




It is interesting to consider the ways that this video has become a viral sensation. ‘Look Up’ in particular, is a noteworthy example of what factors have lead to its success. The strength of an online video relies on its ability to appeal to audiences. Although there are minor weaknesses in the presentation of this video, overall it is very effective in showing audiences alternatives for their current set of habits involving technology.


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